Impact Web Content

4 Ways Your Website Could Be Holding Your Business Back

Discover how simple changes can boost your website’s performance and grow your business.

We feel lost without our phones and computers. In the Western world, that’s not even debatable anymore.

But what does that mean for your business?

In the digital realm, potential customers form their first impressions, leads are nurtured, and sales are made. Your website is not just a billboard—

  • It’s a 24/7 ambassador.
  • It’s a sales funnel.
  • It’s your customer support desk.
  • It’s an educational resource for your clients.
  • It’s a communication bridge for disabled clients or prospects.
  • It’s a way to engage with your clients through polls, quizzes, etc.
  • And more.

Yet, despite its importance, many businesses overlook the power of an optimized website. They overlook how a website can attract or repel customers and how neglecting key SEO and UX practices can leave money on the table.

If you haven’t audited your web content focusing on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and UX (User Experience) best practices… your business risks falling behind in a competitive digital landscape.

1. Customers Are Frustrated by Poor Navigation & Information Architecture

Remember the last time you walked into a physical store that seemed to lack organization? The shelves were stocked haphazardly, and there was no signage. If you’re like most people, you turn right around and leave in that situation.

It’s the same on the web. If users can’t easily find what they’re looking for, they’ll leave—often never to return.

Web Content Audit that focuses on UX best practices identifies these pain points and helps optimize your website’s information architecture—the structure of your content and navigation. This makes it easier for users to find information quickly, increasing engagement and driving conversions.

What’s at stake:

  • Frustrated visitors who can’t find what they need. In other words, higher bounce rates.
  • Lost sales opportunities since users couldn’t find your product or service pages.
  • A damaged reputation since users associate poor navigation with poor quality.

2. Slow Load Times & Poor Performance Are Costing You Conversions

Speed is king. Studies show that if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, over 50% of visitors will abandon it. A slow-loading website hurts user experience (UX) and sends negative signals to search engines, lowering your SEO ranking.

Web Content Audit focused on SEO and UX best practices catches these issues. The faster your site, the better the user experience and the higher your chances of converting visitors into customers.

What’s at stake:

  • High bounce rates and lost visitors due to slow load times. Which means lost sales.
  • Lower rankings on search engines make it harder for potential customers to find you.

3. Poor Mobile Experience Is Driving Away Customers

Did you know that as of October 2024, 60.4% of global web traffic comes from mobile devices? That’s more than half!

That’s why Google uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. If your website is not mobile-friendly, it will suffer.

How your website works across all devices is a key component of a Web Content Audit focused on SEO and UX. It’s essential for your success, so it’s paramount to the audit.

What’s at stake:

  • A dissatisfied mobile audience that abandons your site because of inadequate design or navigation.
  • Decreased search rankings because you failed to meet mobile optimization standards.
  • Lost sales and a poor public perception of your company because your website frustrated your target market.

4. You’re Missing Opportunities to Convert Visitors into Customers

A good website is an ally in the sales process. But…even the most well-designed websites can fall short if they lack the right calls to action (CTAs), clear conversion paths, or trust signals.

A website isn’t just an informational hub—it’s a sales tool. However, without these, your visitors might leave without contacting your sales team, filling out your form, or making the purchase.

Web Content Audit focused on SEO and UX will pinpoint areas where your website could lose conversions.

What’s at stake:

  • Losing potential customers due to unclear or ineffective CTAs.
  • Wasting the traffic you already have.

Ready to Fix These Issues?

Discover how a comprehensive website audit can identify and resolve these problems, boosting your site’s performance and customer appeal. Book your free consultation today (this link opens my Calendly page so you can choose your time) to get started!

Or, are you curious about more risks you might be overlooking? Read the next article for four additional ways your website might hold your business back.